• Address Vijayant khand,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow



Today the condition of India is that we spend 30-35 years in studies to get a job.We get a degree but we are not able to get a job, due to which we become a victim of depression. Hexagonal Foundation has taken an oath to promote higher education and at the same time to increase employment opportunities, so that there is no impact on our economic life. Hexagonal has taken an oath to open One hospital in every city of India and One medical college in every state.We all know that to improve our income, our future or get prestige in the society, we have to be associated with some organization. To get all this it is very important to have a good source of income, so that we can survive and stay organized.

If our country is independent today, it has been possible because of the strong organization, the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi, kept everyone firmly organized. The main objective of Hexagonal Foundation is to provide good employment, better quality of health and higher education and all this can be achieved only by getting organized.Everyone can improve their talents by joining this hexagonal.